Get in touch by calling 07967967959
Or email using the link given below

E-mail any queries or call for a free quote:
Prices vary depending on how long the job takes, but a general rule for property with easy access windows, no flat roofs, or awkward sections, is to add £1 per standard window, and £2 each for large bay windows, and patio doors or skylights. Check out ourPrice Guide Page
to work out a rough estimate for your home.
Things to remember when getting a quote:
Lastly PLEASE leave feedback if you're happy! - Our Business grows from genuine Customer reviews from people kind enough to post them. Use the 'write a review' link on the Freeindex box lower down the page.
Call 07967 967959 or 01283 535782
If we're out working, please leave a message with a number to call you straight back.We operate a "Do as you'd be done by" policy of respecting our clients. No Business can work for free and we can't run the Business without being paid for services in a timely fashion. We are far too busy to chase back and forth for payments or to finish half done jobs where full access wasn't possible. Pay easily using just our mobile no: 07967967959, with your mobile via the PayM or Pingit app.
Or pay online with BACS: Sort Code: 09-01-28 Account No: 38521192 Acc Name: Major Clean Services
Email us with any questions and to arrange a free quotation within Burton on Trent areas.
*Email using this link*